Have you noticed how calm and content many of the new babies are…say, in the last 6 months or so? Gentle, happy babies, content, calm, placid... ‘easy babies’. Notice the comments from parents and grandparents.. ‘how lucky’, ‘got a good one’, ‘such an easy baby’, ‘not like the older one who is far more fussy’, ‘not demanding at all’, ‘wakes up happy’, ‘so content’ and so on. Seeing, without seeing, the baby in the new architecture…a shift in the template of how the soul engages the body. These are babies born with a more complete template, a zero-point circuitry, greater coherency and a constant non-duality currency… i.e. these are the non-duality incoming souls. The coherency and integrity of soul-body physics is tangible. These babies are usually solid, fleshy, strong… embodied more fully in their newly born form… more responsive, engaged, interactive and so much more present. The qualitative descriptions go on and on, and in not having a referent for who or why or how, the comment is so often,’such an easy baby!’

The architecture is there if you know how to look… the geometry and circuitry that holds the consciousness in form… the template and the embodiment of spirit-matter… All that you have been reading about in these articles, listening to in the audio recordings, and experiencing in the embodiment sessions and groups, here now as this physical baby. Contentment, stability, safety, rest, these babies are truly home in their bodies, and home here on earth. This is not the result of any of our linear techniques, healing or birthing practices. This is not the result of something we have done or not done. It is not attributable to external influence, nature, nurture or process. These babies have been preparing this non-duality body for many years. They have built a unified base and geometry of many-as-one, through the many incoming souls born in the years before now, leading to now… built from now, through circular time to now… An architecture of universal unity. They hold the geometries and codes within their cells that know a universal I am… And this marks a new era of consciousness for earth and humanity. In knowing the one body at universal levels, this child will know earth as inherent within their form… not ever separate as body, not separate-out-able as cognition, and living on a planet they will never be out of integrity with, or lay waste to. This child will have a different posture and stand in this life. They will engage life from a different embodiment physics. They have a different base architecture, and a different referent for self and other, for the earth and their place in, as, and of the universe.

It has been 12 years now that children of unified consciousness and form have been birthing here, changing the game, marking the end of the era of the individual and evolution through self-processing and separate truth seeking. As the embodiment template evolved, back in 2011-12 there are more and more children born with the geometries, codes and information of unity and we make the collective move from ‘me’ to ‘we’. Or do we? In conception preparation sessions the incoming soul directs and creates the conception point and corresponding architecture of their embryonic body within the body of the mother (and family). Each unified child would build the unity geometry within the mother’s body, and I remember almost apologising, “this is the geometry of your incoming soul…sorry, I know you don’t really want all this unity stuff, you just want to connect to this incredible being who will become your new baby…” Each time the structure was precisely built, universal, interconnected at a template level. no longer the separate soul preparing the etheric womb of the mother, for arrival into a separate body. Decades of conception point creational mechanics, and the challenge in presenting and building something that people were simply not looking for at a personal level, not ready for, and in all honesty did not want… The plethora of conscious conception and spiritual birthing literature does not touch the now incoming soul, in this mother’s body, right here, right now, in this evolution of embodiment architecture… The creative-generative build of this incoming soul, this conception, this pregnancy and this birth. So the information post-session landed in the baby body in conception, but had nowhere to land in a world where this consciousness did not yet exist, and was more often that not discarded… without referent in the separate body and without a language or understanding that can land somewhere already familiar. This has been their teaching for the last 12 years - The Unified Child (see resources).

The unified child builds an architecture of unity, soul-into-body, in which they embody and know themselves through the unified geometry and base codes, definitive of our universal divine origins in union with Source. The geometry and information of their human form has a greater universal quantum bio-coherency and bio-intelligence. What they know in their bodies is the truth of who we are beyond our individuality. The infinite self, the core of their heart beats the beat of the home we all come from and will return to. The core of the Source of all things, that is known as the I am. The fluid in their cells holds the information through time that we have long forgotten, and one could say they know the pathway home through the stars within the fluid of their form. The language of their bodies articulates the non-separation, even if there are few words yet for this. Their human behaviour is defining a new human. Their story is a new story… it begins here, and we see it, we feel it in them, touch it in their tiny curled fingers, hear it in their murmurs, that are not screams.. These children are not voiceless, and will not experience the depth of pain of the unified children held into the limits of a separate world… they will not need to lash out against the boundary and scream into the void of not heard and not seen… these children are not building unity through the membranes of our separate body and creating the train track circuitry. These ones are simply arriving into it fully built, whole, stable zero point circuitries in function. These children are not fighting the inverse and counter-currencies, the are not reconciling the polarisation of a corrupt world, they are arriving in fully coherent non-duality forms… with a neutral zero point core, experiencing duality as harmonised and integrated masculine and feminine principles… an immaculate geometry of unity in their living cellular tissue… DNA templates more whole and activated, there is no ceiling on function, and no separate self to process. The base quantum coherency of these babies shines forth from their cherubic fleshy forms... fully human, fully embodied, home is in their body, Source is in their form…

These are the children we have been waiting for, the answers to our prayers, for they tell the story of our humanity, beyond its losses and destruction, beyond the patterns, and cycles that have endlessly played out, beyond the dead-end trajectory we have been choosing for ourselves and the earth… They are the fulfilment of hope, of truth, of harmony, of unity, of humanity and of home… from this body, they have a whole new posture and stand on this earth now, they will create a new future without engaging the fight, and they will simply be who they have come to be… they cannot not.

Incoming Souls